Lending Library

McKenzie & Blundy Funeral Home & Cremation Centre offers an extensive lending library of books, videos and audio tapes for personal or professional use to the community at large. Below is an overview of the topics that are covered. Please feel free to look at our online library list to see what is available in the Lending Library. If you wish to borrow from the library or you have any questions, please feel free to call us or come in anytime.
- Children & Teens
- Creating Meaningful Funerals
- Death, Dying & Serious Illness
- Grief & Bereavement
- Other
- Traumatic Death
Funeral Establishment Operator Class 1 License FE-415

431 N. Christina St.,
Sarnia, ON N7T 5V8
Email: info@mckenzieblundy.com
Owned and operated by Katherine L. Scimmi
McKenzie & Blundy Funeral Home & Cremation Centre
Address: 431 N. Christina St., Sarnia, ON N7T 5V8
Phone: 519-344-3131
Pre-Planning: 519-344-5712