Aftercare Program
Our Aftercare Program is designed to simplify the tasks ahead of you following the death of a loved. We meet with each family to assist them with the completion of CPP Death benefit and other government forms, insurance paperwork and any help you determine what notifications you will need to make.
Within the pages of the document below, you will find information regarding the tasks that need to be completed when a loved one dies. This package is not intended to provide answers to all of your questions, but it is designed to be a starting point for you.
The contents of this package should not be considered a substitute for the advice of any pertinent specialist, such as a lawyer, accountant, etc. We trust this information will be of help to you in the days ahead, however, the funeral home cannot be held responsible for any omissions, errors or negligence of the executor or estate.
Be assured that all of us here at McKenzie & Blundy Funeral Home & Cremation Centre believe in our mission statement of caring for our families "Before, During and After" the death of a loved one. Therefore, you can count on our support for as long as you need it.
Should you find the contact information has changed for any of the organizations listed we would appreciate hearing from you. If there is anything we can do to further assist you, please contact us.
Our Family Caring for Your Family "Before, During and After"
View our After the Funeral PDF »
Funeral Establishment Operator Class 1 License FE-415

431 N. Christina St.,
Sarnia, ON N7T 5V8
McKenzie & Blundy Funeral Home & Cremation Centre
Address: 431 N. Christina St., Sarnia, ON N7T 5V8
Phone: 519-344-3131
Pre-Planning: 519-344-5712